Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Finally getting this started

After months of my dad trying to convince me to start blogging, I have finally taken the initiative to sit down and create this blog. My goal was to get started during spring break, clearly that was a big fail. Being in medical school makes you cherish the little free time you have...and use it to do absolutely nothing :D

Anywho, now that I have started writing, I'd like to incorporate a few things in my blog:
  • Give suggestions & tips for pre-medical students
  • Describe the life as a medical student
  • Explain a particular condition/disease that I have learned about
To all my friends: you know how lazy I can get, if you see me wasting time on gchat or facebook, tell me to go update my blog :D

On that note, I am now going to sleep so I can wake up bright and early to deal with the most amazing internet provider ever: COMCAST. Take note of the sarcasm. I will start my real blogging tomorrow.

good night all.

Oh and I am a student, not a doctor (yet) so please do not take my words as facts AND if I say anything to offend you I apologize in advance.

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